Upper Deschutes Update
July 1, 2017
Fishing is definitely getting better on the Upper Deschutes. After a rough spring, we are happy to be up there getting into more fish. With lake water temps rising, fish are starting to push back into the river. So, fish are not as scarce as they were earlier this year. Still a strong nymph game on the Upper Deschutes. We have been fishing red copper johns (sz 16-20), copper copper johns (sz 14-18), Flashback Pheasant tails (sz 14-20), red two-bit hookers (sz 20), black two bit hookers (size 18-20). Our best advice would be to fish a long leader, with a fair amount of weight to get those flies in front of the fishes face. If you are seeing fish come up, fish with small (18-20) Parachute Adams, purple haze, or any other mayfly imitator.