Lower Deschutes Caddis Season
July 4, 2017
The warm weather we have been getting has done wonders for the caddis fishing. The fish are staging into their feeding zones for caddis. We have had a few days of solely dry fly fishing! Loading up with X-caddis (tan/olive, 16-18), elk hair caddis (tan/olive, 16-18), and Spent Caddis (size 16-18) will cover your bases. Casting to sipping fish will be your best bet. These fish tend to not move as much for caddis flies so make sure your cast is on target! The Caddis have been coming off ALL day. We are seeing sipping fish throughout the day with very few down times. If it does become slow, fish subsurface with micro mayflies, edible emergers, two-bit hookers, and hares ears. During the heat of the day, fishing on top can really pick up and get those fish going after Caddis.