Crane Prairie Update September 27th, 2024

Crane Prairie Update September 27th, 2024

Crane Prairie is currently a favorite destination, especially with recent success on the Cultus side. Be sure to bring a variety of flies, including balanced leeches, chironomids (black/red or black/silver), Blood Worms, and patterns like two-bits, zebra midges, ice cream cones, and San Juans. Stripping flies on an intermediate line is an effective technique for covering water and hooking fish. Topwater action can also be rewarding, so don’t overlook using larger foam dries like Chubby Chernobyl or Damsels and Water Boatman. Access to Crane remains open despite nearby fires, but it's wise to check for any updates before heading out, as conditions can change quickly. Overall, Crane Prairie, along with Quinn, Rock Creek, and the Deschutes, is offering great fishing opportunities this fall.
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