Caddis Season On The Lower D

Caddis Season On The Lower D

The cool early summer we’ve had in Central Oregon is starting to give way to the warm temperatures that we expect to see through July and August. We’ve seen very few days that bump into the 90s, and while things are warming up it still looks like a lot of temperatures in the 80s for at least the next week. This is great for most of the area fisheries, and will certainly help the rivers stay a little cooler as we get into the heat of late July and August. It has been plenty warm enough to bring out the big Caddis hatches on the Lower D, and the resulting dry fly opportunities have been tough to beat in terms of consistency, quality of fish, and fun. A dedicated dry fly angler can pick pockets and find pods of rising fish starting late morning and through the rest of the day. Things can slow down in the afternoon, but there are sporadic opportunities to find fish looking towards the surface in slow backeddies and in shaded areas along the bank. As the late afternoon turns to evening, the action really picks up and the last hours of daylight can be the best time to be on the water.

Suggested Dries: Tan X Caddis #14-18, Tan Cutter’s Caddis #14-18, Tan Henry’s Fork Caddis #14-18, Tan Elk Hair Caddis #14-18, A/C Caddis #14-18, Edible Emerger #14-18, Sparkle Dun PMD #16-18, Tilt Wing PMD #16-18, Parachute PMD #16-18, Zelon Cripple PMD #16-18, Parachute Adams #16-18, Purple Haze #16-18

Suggested Nymphs: Duracell Jig #14-16, Jigged CDC Pheasant Tail #14-16, Jigged Tungsten Hare’s Ear #14-16, Bullet Quill #14-18, Frenchie #14-18, Perdigon #16-18, Guide’s Choice Hare’s Ear #14-18, Tan BH Sparkle Pupa #14-18, Olive Soft Hackle #14-18, Soft Hackle Hare’s Ear #14-18, Red Two Bit Hooker #16-20, Red Copper John #14-18, Micro Mayfly #18, Psycho Prince #14-18

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