Lower Deschutes Update September 27th, 2024

Lower Deschutes Update September 27th, 2024

The Lower Deschutes is fishing well throughout the day, particularly around Maupin, and steelhead action is picking up. Fish are moving up to the Warm Springs to Trout Creek area so now is a good time to book that float rip you’ve been thinking about. Nymphing remains effective and is the primary method for trout fishing. Effective patterns include caddis pupas, stoneflies, and tungsten flies like Flashback PTs, Copper Johns, and various Princes. Consider using a stone as your point fly and Perdigons like Berry’s PCP or Fire Starters as a tag fly or even some October Caddis Pupa. Euro nymphing with Perdigons and small streamers can also enhance your fishing experience. For steelhead, many are responding well to swung wet flies like the Freight Train on a floating line. As the season progresses, be prepared to switch to sink tips and Skagit lines. October is shaping up to be a prime time for steelhead trips, with the first two weeks filling up quickly, so book your spot soon!
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